Tuesday 20 September 2011

Dunedin to Queenstown

It was another breakfast of champions with wheatbix for breakfast, but no chocolate this time. We had enjoyed the town so much the day before, we weren’t quite ready to leave this town so we hung out for a bit and went to the art gallery, some cathedrals, and the Sports Hall of Fame museum. Josh and I got lost for a bit and saw a mean as fire station and battery shop, ha ha. On our way out we of course had to swing over to the world’s steepest street, Baldwin street! And holy smokes they aren’t kidding! That is one steep street and people actually live on it. I was driving and as tempted as I was we decided our little cheap rental car might not be able to make it to the top so we drove up a street next to it and just walked up it a ways and took some photos. Even the streets next to it were a bit sketchy in our car.
On our way to Queenstown we were a little more aware and were sure to stop in a place we knew would have food so no weird lunches this time don’t worry. Driving was a lot of fun! It was kind of scary for the first hour, but it just took some getting used to driving on the wrong side of the road. Driving through town at the beginning was the worst but once I got on to the highway and made some mental adjustments, I was good from then on. It is kind of funny because as all of us drive we all drift to the left side of the road because we are used to seeing the road from the other side of the car, but we all go it down. We finally arrived in Q-town and it was like you picked up Park City and plopped it next to a lake in New Zealand. Just the same ski town feel. A lot of condos and shops. We walked around for a bit and checked out the city. That night we sat down and made a sort of plan for the rest of the trip because we had no idea what we were doing the second week. After a tasty free dinner compliments of the hostel, we rested up a bit and went out on the town. Now this town has it going on even for a Tuesday night. We went and hung out a place with live music, which actually wasn’t very good, but it was fun and we met a bunch of people and everyone I told I was from Utah would respond with pure jealousy! I felt so proud to be a Utahn. Everyone else I meet and say I am from Utah just thinks about mormons, here they think about snow and are stoked about it. We met a couple guys, Benji and Dominic, that were ski patrol and ski instructors and we just talked about skiing and how great Utah and Colorado were and they gave us advice on skiing in New Zealand. It was a good night. 

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