Wednesday 30 November 2011

Gone Fishing!

So after my exhausting 5 days of studying, I had one week until my next test. My test was for Sport Biomechanics 2 and of all my classes, it was the one I was least stressed about. This version of biomechanics was basically just like biomedical engineering simplified for exercise science students just using physics and matlab. I had a bit of an advantage over the rest of the students having a year of physics of a whole class dedicated to Matlab, so I felt ok about do some more traveling for the next week. A lot of my friends had other tests so I had to find other friends to do stuff with. Vilad from my ward had been wanting to go fishing so we made a plan to go to the beach on Thursday and go surf cast fishing. It is where you get a big ocean fishing pole and go cast off the beach into the surf and try and catch a fish.So we got all of the gear and went to Himatangi beach near Palmy. Unfortunately the fishing gods (Tangaroa) were against us and neither was the weather god (Tawhirimatea). The wind was terrible, the clouds were threatening, and the fish weren't biting. Then again I am not sure we were doing it right, neither of us were. We didn't know how to fish and our results showed it. The most we caught all day was seaweed. It was still pretty fun to try and fish in the ocean, something I had never done before. By the end of the day the only thing we succeeded in doing was losing our 2 sinkers and one hook. It was a bit disappointing because we really wanted to catch something. As we were leaving we talked to some people who recommended a better fishing spot about 5k down the beach.

We still had a bunch of bait and all the fishing gear so we decided to go out to the other beach the people had recommended and try and catch something. We tried to head out a bit earlier but got a little lost when trying to find the beach. As we drove it rained off and on and it didn't look like the weather was really going to be nice to us. When we finally got to the beach, as we got the fishing rod all ready with bait it started to rain. We hung out for a bit to wait for it to stop raining, once it finally did we hit the beach. We started fishing where a large river met the ocean. There were other fisherman catching whitebait there so we knew there had to be at least some fish. So we fished for a couple hours and moved around from the river to the beach and still only caught seaweed. So I guess we weren't really meant to be fishermen.  It didn't ever actually rain on us but the wind was still pretty bad, but it was still a fun couple days. 

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