Wednesday 10 August 2011

Chur Bro!

Wow I really let this blog get away from me a bit! So many little things have happened in this lovely lord of the rings land. So big news on the church front...for the 3rd time in the past 2 years my ward boundaries got changed. I like to think I am the last member to join the ward that just made it reach the breaking point...then again my records aren't even here yet, but I think they saw it coming. The downside to this is that my church moved from a spectacular 10 am meeting time to the dreaded 1 pm. The advantage is that it is slightly warmer at church and I always freeze (I wore running tights under my nylons last week it is so cold!), the disadvantage is that it is winter here and it is starting to get dark by the time I get out of church! But the ward is great and now more personal! Its cool the ward here is growing, they even had an article in the paper today about the church growing, it felt like Utah.
So I guess the last 10 days can be summed up pretty good with one major description....sore. I started training with my friend from Canada, Ema. She is a masters student in ESS and used to be a personal trainer at Golds, needless to say she knows a lot of good exercises working muscles I didn't even know I should work! It has been good, it has made my gym pass a really good investment and walking up the stairs to my flat a bit more of a challenge but I love it. For the first few days I was walking funny because we did hamstings hardcore and so basically I would walk around without ever straightening my knees. So far we have been going to the gym every weekday and even twice a day. It has really been a lot of fun.
Last week I did a few other things, I joined a surf and snow club, and they have equipment I can borrow for surfing or snowing and then I even made a friend who goes up twice a week, so skiing can so happen! I've just got to do something I have never done...fork out the dough for a day pass to ski on not world's greatest snow? yikes. But I think I have a moral obligation to do it.
Since my last post we have had 2 volleyball games, lost 1, won 1. I'm learning lots of volleyball...I didn't expect that to happen while I was here but it is. We also tied our soccer game, and I would have to say I have done pretty good holding my own against the guys. Its coed..which I found out means guys, girls, and people with mullets. Ha ha I realized I have failed to mention some of the interesting styles people have here. The mullet is made a full comeback along with the braided rat tail, and for the daring kiwi, both at the same time! I feel like I tripped and fell into the 80s. On top of that the knee length cut off jeans, throw a v-neck shirt on top with a scarf and don't wear shoes and you fit right in! This really is the land of hobbits as it is totally normal for people to not wear shoes! Maybe someday I'll try to embrace the style, but the girls seem to keep it a little more conservative so its not to interesting.
It was 2 of my friends birthdays last week so we decided to have a party! Well actually some other people decided, I just got the invite. So after our volleyball practice we all got pretty then when and had a party! And it was great! The people that put it together did a great job making some delicious food, I was really impressed. I stayed out a bit late for a Thursday but we had a good time. I guess a lot of people stayed pretty late because then on Friday, compliments of Giso, we had a falafel making party! I guess I am super naive for not knowing what falafel is but for those of you like me that don't know, it is from Egypt or somewhere in that area and is basically chic peas mashed with  onions and a few other things and made into balls and deep fried! We also baked some sweet potato fries and Giso made a delicious sause to dip everything in and I hate to say it, but it put our fry sauce to shame. The reason I say people stayed out late Thursday is that our Friday dinner party only lasted until 11 and everyone was dead. But the weekend picked up again on a rainy Saturday. It was quite the wet morning and Graeme decided he wanted to go to the local rugby match so I decided to join him, we got Ema and Brayden to come to. We walked into town just in time for the 4:30 match. The rain stopped for the whole game and even though it was cold it was a great match to watch. It was the Manawatu Turbos vs. Taranaki and Manawatu won 15-10. I live in the Manawatu region, so of course I was cheering for the home team. We were freezing after the match and decided to go to this place we knew with a fireplace to warm up in town. There All Blacks vs. Australia was starting in a half an hour so we decided to get some food, get comfy, and get our rugby on again. It was a fantastic game! The All Blacks blew Australia out of the water! Australia is a good team, probably 2nd in the world, but the All Blacks didn't hold anything back and had some fantastic plays. I'm really starting to understand the sport and it was a really intense game, I can't wait for the world cup in 30 days! We finished off the night with a trip to the grocery store so I could get my supplies to make yummy potatoes for the potluck on sunday night and then watch a movie. Sunday was a slow morning, waiting for 1pm church, they it was fun to see the new mini ward, which is still a really good size. But that night we had a potluck with everyone in Atawhi village and everyone made a dish from their homeland...hence the yummy potatoes. I had to look up the recipe online so it actually wasn't as good and I guess I might have used the wrong potatoes because they just didn't taste the same, I didn't realize it really mattered. But it was delicious to try food from all around the world!
So I guess the YSA does FHE's here too, so Monday we went to the stake president's house and had a short lesson, treats, and played some mafia. It was a blast! I'm getting to know some of the YSA, and they are great, just very fun loving and happy. It was a good night. Tuesday, was an insane workout day, Ema and I basically did 3 workouts, we did weights in the morning, cardio in the evening and then a core workout class after that! I was so tired and hungry all day, but it was great! We found there really awesome rowing machines that you can play games on as you row and how hard you row depends on what the game does and then there is a feature to race other rowing machines nearby so of course we both very competitive and did a 1000m race, I barely won by a few seconds but I did have a bit of an advantage being tall and so each row went further I think. But I love having a workout buddy, I am getting so much more gym time in, and since it is in walking distance we can go whenever. Today was another good gym day, which a workout in the morning, a bike ride into town and back, then some more rowing, and a volleyball game! Oh ya I did go to class at one point too. Oh and I turned in my very first assignment! See I do a little school in between all the fun ;) It was worth 25% of my grade so I tried to do a good job and even had Ema go over it with me. Today I went into town to a meeting for this competition I signed my flat up for. Basically its a thing trying to teach people to save energy but I saw it as, they have a lot of prizes to win and I like free prizes ha ha. I already got free lunch for going to the meeting. Then tonight I got free pancakes on campus! I love eating free food! I'm such a college student and I miss my parent pantry. Also I miss normal sinks. That is the one thing they can't get right! Since when did it ever make sense to have a different nozzle for hot and cold? Your either scald your hands or freeze them, that is my only complaint  about this country, the plumbing. I have to mix the water in my hands to wash my face, like you wanted to know that. Oh Ema and I are starting to incorporate New Zealand lingo into our everyday talk so I'll get you caught up:

Cheers = thanks, bye, have a good one, etc.
Bro = Anyone
Chur = cool+sweet+awesome+hi+bye+thanks (everything or anything good, often used with bro)
Sweet as = no problem, cool beans, (apparently can also be turned into swaz, also used with bro)
good as gold = solid, reliable
rattle your dags = hurry up
judder bar = speed bump
chuffed = pleased
choc-a-block = full to overflowing
spittin sparks = to swear

So that's about all we have to work with now but it is a work in progress.
So I am a little nervous hearing about the US economy and now a lot of other economies, and London burning down. I'm pretty out of the loop as far as news goes, but there is some pretty crazy stuff going on, so please keep me updated!

Other fun facts about my life here:
We have a cleaning lady :)
I eat at least 2 kiwis a day and am in love with them
The sun and moon are on the wrong side of the sky

Turbos game: Scrum

Line out

Mullets are everywhere!

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