Friday 12 August 2011

Cookin' Fiend!

So its been a couple crazy days. Yesterday I had the rude awakening of ya know like when your muscle just seizes up and just can't get it to loosen for what seems like forever! Ya that was not fun, but I finally got it loose then went back to sleep.....until I was forced out of my bed at 8 am, originally wearing only shorts and a t-shirt. I grabbed a hoodie and some pants and like tripped down my stairs trying to put my pants and then I had to call 111 (=911). It was a fire drill! And they made me actually take out my cell phone and dial 111 and connect to the fire department and tell them about our evacuation. It was crazy and I was freezing, half awake, and mad. I mean I was getting up like in 2 minutes anyway but it was just too confusing right after I woke up. But then I had a pretty uneventful day, just did a lot of reading and some skyping.
Potato Stew
 I got sick of sittiing inside reading so I decided to go for a bike ride. I asked my flatmate, Giso, for a good route because he is like the biking adventure master. He directed me to a few roads that would give me a good ride, little did I know they were all just hills, but it didn't matter anyway because I decided to be my independent self and try to access the route he gave me backwards and so I got lost and ended up on highway surround by sheep farms that smelt awful and cars were whizzing past at 100kph. So there I was on my ancient bike with gear levers that have a mind of their own when it comes to shifting, trying to find my way back to the university. I somehow got on a road that led right up to the route I was originally trying to get on but only after my 6k detour. But I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a little fun. Getting lost here isn't so bad, as long as isn't doesn't get dark. But I knew even if I got lost, some nice kiwi would point me in the right direction if I asked. I mapped it out to be a nice 13k ride full of hills. After I got home  I decided our vegetable drawer was getting a bit full so it was time to make some new potato stew! I went online and found heaps of recipes for potato stew and basically took all the good parts of them to make my stew and added a few ideas of my own. After an hour of peeling, chopping, boiling, simmering, and sauteing I had a stew you could sell! It was so tasty, I was stoked it all turned out so well! I also started to have that feeling of getting sick so I had my 3 kiwis chalk full of vitamin C and deliciousness and tried to get to bed early.
Most of a pizza
Today had a much better start, I even made it to my class on time, which can be a big deal Friday morning. It has been raining off and on all day so it has been a bit muddy. So coming home and reheating some of that soup was just what I needed. After my seemingly forever long this afternoon I decided to keep the cooking up and make a pizza! So I made a crust and had some tomato sauce and cheese. It was looking rather boring after that so I put a can of "chili beans" on half, which is just basically pinto and kidney beans in a sauce. It also turned out pretty good! The bean side was way better then just the plain cheese side. So now I have a few new recipes to add to my collection and left overs for the rest of the weekend. So my flatmates like to tease me for taking photos of my food and writing in my blog and so now this is really all just to be stubborn and show them all how proud I am  that I am a dork and like talking about cooking good eats. Clearly I should probably get out more. Oh I also had the last of my kiwis today and I think I might have avoided sickness catastrophe! Thank you kiwis! My new favorite fruit!

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