Monday 25 July 2011

Earthquake, hail, and record cold temperatures!

Ya that is sort of a scary title but that has been whats up here at the bottom of the world. Sunday night there was a small earthquake, I didn't even realize that is what is was until someone pointed it out, it just felt like there was a big truck driving past the building but there weren't any roads around, not too big of a deal though I guess, it happens here a lot so don't be to worried Mom. Then yesterday it started to hail or maybe it was snow, I am not quite sure what they considered snow here. Yesterday was on of the coldest days in NZ in like 50 years. They had to close a bunch of roads at the higher elevation places and they closed one of the ski resort because they couldn't handle the whopping 20 cm of snow (8 inches) ha ha. It really has been pretty cold, but it doesn't help that there isn't any insulation in the buildings, otherwise I wouldn't notice too much. Sunday at church I was pretty cold, it took me 2 hours afterward to get my feet warm again. But Sunday night I went swung by one of my friends flats and stayed longer then expected and didn't get home until about 12:30 but I hadn't taken my key so my flatmates had locked the door and all their lights were off except Tamil's. So I threw sticks at Tamil's window for awhile but she never came to the window so I ended up propping up the garbage can and climbed through the only window that was open into the shower! It was quite an adventure!
Monday started with nice run and then I got to talk to Erica on her birthday back home! Happy Birthday to Erica! I had a few lectures Monday afterward. Lectures can be brutal because instead of meeting 2 or 3 times a week for an hour, we meet once or twice a week for 2 hours and it is so long! But then last night a bunch of us went to the club sign up meeting for the alpine club and I am hoping we will get to go on some fun hiking adventures in the weeks to come! I think this weekend me and a few peeps are headed to the Manwatu gorge, its like a 4 or 5 hour hike in and then out. Should be fun! Also I found tomatoes for $5/kg yesterday, that is like half the price of the store so its salsa making time! I am so excited! I made ground beef tacos with beans last night in anticipation! I just need to go into town and pick up everything I need. mmmmm!

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