Thursday 21 July 2011

Abroad!......Study Abroad?

I’m here for school…..I tend to forget that a lot. But the good news is I got 2 whole classes to transfer back to the U! Structural Kinesiology and Sport Biomechanics 2! It was crazy trying to get people at the U to listen to me, but  I finally made some headway. So I am pretty satisfied in that realm. So my other class is  He Tiro O Mua….something basically its Maori: customs, lore and economics. So that should be very interesting, I am excited! I spent today trying to find my last but it is difficult to explain to an academic advisor that I just want a easy class that will be interesting. I’m currently in a  Sport in the Social context class but I need to get out of it because I feel way behind because I know nothing about the society here and how it effects the sports I don’t know how to play! All the examples are from cricket, rowing, rugby, and netball. Except watching a couple rugby matches I have never played or seen any of those sports! Ican’t really find any classes that would possibly transfer back to the U so I just want something I can breeze through and maybe learn a little. The people here don’t really get that ha ha. But I have a couple in mind. There aren’t any ice climbing classes L But I guess I have it pretty lucky because I have the Maori class with my flatmate Giso and I think it is super interesting but he says it is really hard for him because he has to translate the material in his head to German, that would be tough! I have a hard enough time interpreting our professor Maori accent. But I like it so far.
So I’m going to have a hard time adjusting to the school system here, basically I go to lecture once, maybe twice for a class then I am just expected to study 12 hours outside of class, that does not work well with my most recent study habits, Jessica and Kaitlyn can attest to that! So far I don’t have any of my books because I don’t have enough money to buy them! So that is my excuse to not study. Hopefully tomorrow I’ll get a check deposited to my NZ account and that will solve some of those problems, because if not I am going to be begging for food next week!
So the highlight of my day was when my flatmate told me she hated most 20 year olds and most mormons but she said I am pretty cool so I must be doing really good! ha ha hopefully I’ll give a little better reputation to both groups there.
After 3 beautiful days that storms are coming back and its cold again! I liked warm new Zealand better, but it will get there!  Still loving it here! Teaching myself how to cook….no food poisoning yet! But I made chicken burritos last night and I put some extra stuff in them and they were super good and then just the classic pasta tonight with sauce and mozzarella melted on top, I’m not to bad in the kitchen so far! I’m making chicken parmesan this weekend! That reminds me, I need bread crumbs….cool. Hope all is well in the USA! Oh ya so far my most unexpected adjustment has been walking on the sidewalks and stair wells, I didn’t even realize I naturally walk to the right of people going the opposite direction, they walk on the left here! It is so awkward! You know those moments you have when you don’t know who is going what way? Ya I have those all the time! especially in  stair wells! I have to consciously think about walking. Anyway all the best from NZ.

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