Monday 11 July 2011

I think Maori people are naturally hilarious

Sunday was quite the lovely and relaxing day. I slept in until about 10 and then made some not-as-good-as-home-jam toast. Then went to the library to try and email home. I have internet in the hostel but I don't want to pay for it so its about a 7 minute walk to the library. I got there and wrote an email to my family but it wouldn't send. Meanwhile a nice asian kiwi asked me to help him connect to the wifi....I tried to help but wasn't much use when my wifi wasn't working well either so we just talked while we waited for both of our computers to unsuccessfully connect to the internet. Its funny talking to people because they can immediately tell your not from here so we talked about america....he said I had a "cute american accent".....he was also in high school I am pretty sure ha ha, awesome. But then I had to run to go to church. Church was a little scary at first. I went and sat by myself and I could tell I stuck out big time. I was 1 of 4 white people...all the rest were Maori, and definitely the only blonde. People were very friendly though. They has a ysa class that I went to and it was even taught by maybe the only other american in the ward. It was a good lesson about the Christ's death. Then relief society was hilarious....the Maori people are just so funny and so loving! We talked about developing and sharing talents and somehow the entire lesson ended up being about being talented at flower arrangements. Afterward I talked with a few sisters who caught me off guard when I went to leave by giving me a hug and kiss on the cheek, I felt bad because I was kind of awkward about it because I didn't expect it but they were so sweet! For dinner I had the only other food I could find without eating out and that was a cup a noodle....except it was nasty, so I really mostly had vege chips and cheddar crackers that I had bought the day before. Vege chips are sort of like potato chips except really different, maybe a mix between potato chips and rice wafers but not greasy or salty. So the sun sets around 5:30 here so Anna and I were going to try and catch the sunset from Mt. Eden but we got there too late because I took forever getting home from church and eating. But we got on the bus at about 5:30 and made it to the top of the mountain at about 6:15. But the view was again spectacular, just this time it was at night with the lights and the sky was still purple after the sunset. We took a lot of photos of the city lights but we couldn't really see the crater. It was pretty cold and windy on top of the volcano but we hung out for a bit because it was so pretty. We got back at like 7:30pm and I was going to go out and walk to the harbor but I laid down and fell asleep, so then I woke back up at 11pm and decided I should probably get ready for bed. I also woke up to our new roommate from Brazil, name TBD. She seemed super nice, or at least was to my half asleep self.

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